At the end of 2018, I quit my job working for the brazilian government. In the past, I pursued a degree in System's Analysis and development, starting working for an IT consulting company as Junior software developer, during my career path I have worked for companies in different segments such as Fintech, Telecom and assurance, allowing these companies to streamline their processes, save money, increase revenue as well as serving millions and millions of users.
Work Experience
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Elsa Speak
ELSA, English Language Speech Assistant, is a fun and engaging app specially designed to help you improve your English-speaking communication skills.
Elsa Speak
ELSA, English Language Speech Assistant, is a fun and engaging app specially designed to help you improve your English-speaking communication skills.
Elsa Speak
ELSA, English Language Speech Assistant, is a fun and engaging app specially designed to help you improve your English-speaking communication skills.
Elsa Speak
ELSA, English Language Speech Assistant, is a fun and engaging app specially designed to help you improve your English-speaking communication skills.
Get in touch
Want to chat? Just shoot me an email with your needs , and I'll respond whenever I can. I will ignore all soliciting.